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SetupDi Device Interface 函数

2021-11-19 76 0
SetupDiCreateDeviceInterface Registers device functionality (a device interface) for a device.
SetupDiOpenDeviceInterface Retrieves information about an existing device interface and adds it to the specified device information set.
SetupDiGetDeviceInterfaceAlias Returns an alias of the specified device interface.
SetupDiGetClassDevs Returns a device information set that contains all devices of a specified class.
SetupDiGetClassDevsEx Returns a device information set that contains all devices of a specified class on a local or remote computer.
SetupDiEnumDeviceInterfaces Returns a context structure for a device interface element of a device information set. Each call returns information about one device interface. The function can be called repeatedly to obtain information about several interfaces exposed by one or more devices.
SetupDiGetDeviceInterfaceDetail Returns details about a particular device interface.
SetupDiCreateDeviceInterfaceRegKey Creates a registry subkey for storing information about a device interface instance and returns a handle to the key.
SetupDiOpenDeviceInterfaceRegKey Opens the registry subkey that is used by applications and drivers to store information that is specific to a device interface instance and returns a handle to the key.
SetupDiDeleteDeviceInterfaceRegKey Deletes the registry subkey that was used by applications and drivers to store information that is specific to a device interface instance.
SetupDiInstallDeviceInterfaces Is the default handler for the DIF_INSTALLINTERFACES request. It installs the interfaces that are listed in a DDInstall.Interfaces section of a device INF file.
SetupDiRemoveDeviceInterface Removes a registered device interface from the system.
SetupDiDeleteDeviceInterfaceData Deletes a device interface from a device information set.
SetupDiSetDeviceInterfaceDefault Sets a specified device interface as the default interface for a device class.
SetupDiInstallClassEx Installs a class installer or an interface class.
SetupDiOpenClassRegKeyEx Opens the device setup class registry key, the device interface class registry key, or a specific subkey of the class. This function opens the specified key on the local computer or on a remote computer.

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